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There’s no more “business as usual.” Amid heightened economic and political uncertainty, many companies are looking for ways to bolster stability and maximize flexibility in response to significant change. Predictive insights are paramount.
When employers are forced to consider difficult workforce changes, such as a need to cut costs or improve efficiency, a reduction in force (RIF) or other layoff should be considered to ensure the continued viability of your operations. When conducting a RIF, however, a multitude of potential federal, state and local risks arise that may impact your decisions. Thoughtfully planning and preparing for the RIF is critical.
fpSOLUTIONS Comprehensive Reduction in Force Guide & Toolkit provides a number of resources to help employers plan and properly carry out a layoff, including guidance to avoid layoff, develop selection criteria, conducting adverse impact analysis and compliance with the WARN Act; Required WARN notices; sample Separation Agreements and Release, Checklists and tools for compliance.
Investing in fpSOLUTIONS' RIF Toolkit increases employee engagement and facilitates transitioning of employees to new roles to enable your company to nimbly transform and prosper.
Where necessary, you’ll have access to Fisher Phillips’ cross-disciplinary RIF team to help you navigate particularly complicated and delicate issues.