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Why FPS?

Your Workplace. Simplified.

What is fpSOLUTIONS?


fpSOLUTIONS provides customizable documents, checklists, forms, handbooks and workplace compliance toolkits powered by Fisher Phillips and backed by a comprehensive suite of consulting services, including human resources support, human capital management, and change management, provided by seasoned HR professionals. Want to know when we launch new products and services? Click here to subscribe to FPS Workplace Insights.


Turnkey, but adaptable to your business.


These are not boilerplate templates. Our documents are designed to be flexible to best fit your specific needs based on your industry, location and company size. Our HR and workplace compliance products are powered by Fisher Phillips, one of the largest law firms in the country exclusively representing management in labor and employment law.


We are not just about forms.


Our consultants are top subject matter experts and are available to help you with every facet of human capital management. We help employers navigate today’s business uncertainties, from HR operations and compliance to training and performance improvement. We address day-to-day labor and employment issues in support of our suite of solutions, rather than just giving you forms and leaving you on your own.


Introducing FPS University!


FPS University’s award-winning eLearning solutions engage learners and optimizes retention. Our best-in-class online courses are created by a team of instructional designers that have more than 60 years of combined eLearning experience. Our experts use the ADDIE model and cinematic creation styles to create courses that appeal to adult learning processes and are optimized for engagement and retention to create immersive, relatable learning experiences.




Other HR forms providers and consultants cannot say they are powered by Fisher Phillips. With more than 600 attorneys across the United States and Mexico, and a reputation for excellence and innovation in everything related to labor and employment law, you can be confident in fpSolutions’ products and services because Fisher Phillips powers them. The combination of the fpSOLUTIONS’ team of talented HR consultants with technology driven solutions that are powered by Fisher Phillips creates an HR support platform like no other.