
There is a unique complexity to the role of human resources in higher education. It is not "just” about compliance, employee relations and best practices, it also regularly encompasses a far deeper level of engagement with teachers, substitutes, regulatory agencies, administration, parents and the community. Underscoring all of this is the critical importance of having effective, compliant and up-to-date employment policies and practices.
While fpSOLUTIONS can’t help HR professionals fix all the workplace problems in the education sector (K-12 teacher salaries, for example, come from a combination of federal, state, and local funding and tend to be set by school boards), we can make their lives easier.

We help educators and administrators stay ahead of state and federal compliance requirements and best employment practices through our suite of critical compliance toolkits and essential employment resources, which are easy-to-use, downloadable, and customizable.
Let fpSOLUTIONS ease some of the workplace demands by having the compliance toolkits and package, right at your fingertips. Check out our list of workplace products, here.
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Powered by Fisher Phillips
fpSOLUTIONS is powered by Fisher Phillips, an international employment law firm that understands there are many different approaches to staffing in today’s fluid business environment. As leaders in the education industry, Fisher Phillips’ Education Team has been representing educational institutions of all types for over 25 years. We represent academic institutions throughout the U.S., including religious and secular independent, private, and charter schools and institutions of higher education. Our team handles legal and regulatory issues involving employees, students, and boards at all levels, from training and advice to administrative charges, litigation, and appeals.